The Living Word

And so I said, "Here I am; I come.
     In the scroll of the book it is written of me:
"I love to do your will, O my God;
     your law is deep within me." 
                       (Psalm 40:7-8)

The Holy Spirit is alive in scripture each time we open our Bible. Is there any other way to account for the mysterious force that surrounds us and pulls us into the heart of a given passage or verse as our eyes pass over it? Without knowing how, suddenly we find ourselves in God's presence.

We know this power is living because, even in the context of a single passage, we never encounter God the same way twice. The triune God always meets us exactly where we are at that moment, in the midst of the currents that are swirling through our lives. God finds us through scripture, helps us see our own situations and surroundings more clearly, and then calls to us at that place: "I see you, I know you, I love you: Follow me."

Psalm 40 positions us as one long afflicted by forces that are beyond our control. Our place is one of desolation, from which we cannot get out on our own (the desolate pit and the miry clay of verse 2). We wait. We suffer. Yet, we are confident that God hears our lament. Then, at just the right time, God scoops us up and sweeps us into a place of clarity and light. We find ourselves high upon a cliff where our footing is sure. Our song is refreshed, our call is renewed. "Here I am! I come!" We desire only to do God's will and, amazingly, we find that this response is already inscribed in heaven.

The rest of the psalm tells of the our many expressions of gratitude for this rescue. We proclaim God freely for all to hear. We look with scorn upon those who would destroy us (including Satan!). We enjoin all believers to "continually say: 'Great is the Lord!'" Therefore, our call as followers of Christ is to unceasing proclamation. But our call is also to humility in the midst of our thanksgiving. As exuberant as this psalm is, it concludes with a searing expression of humanity:

Though I am poor and afflicted,
the Lord has plans for me.
     You are my help and my savior;
     do not delay, O my God.


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