Humility and Loss
Life is best defined not by accomplishment and success but by disappointment and heartbreak. If this strikes you as a shocking or needlessly depressing statement, consider the qualities of great or unexpected success. The happy person might say that it is "a dream come true," that "it all seems so unreal," that "I can't believe it really happened," or that "I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming." Consider, now, the deeply disappointed or bereaved person -- someone who has lost their job, their house, a loved one. There is no dream or fantasy involved, just an awe-ful reality that dogs the person's every move and fills each waking breath. There is no escaping it, however one might wish to try. Why isn't it the other way around? Why can't success be our reality and heartbreak our illusion? There is a simple and sure answer. Whereas in success we stand alone at the top of our little self-made mountain, fil...